General Information

School hours are from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM daily. The school day begins with arrival and socialization/organization/homework time, during which cereal, milk, and juice are available. The balance of the day consists of four periods of academic study and one period of physical education. In addition, students receive group therapy or social skills training each day throughout the week. A student who’s Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) includes speech/language and/or occupational therapy services receive those services in a pull-out and/or push-in model.

Britten School is organized into five grade divisions: primary, intermediate, middle, junior high, and high school classes. Classrooms are self-contained and staffed by a Special Education Teacher and a Classroom Counselor. Faculty members design curriculum in compliance with Illinois State Learning Standards/Common Core Standards and with each student’s individual needs in mind. They engage students in learning, using a variety of settings, such as small group, large group, and individualized seatwork. The classroom is the core of the school program and provides a unique blend of learning in academic and social/emotional realms. The school is approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to provide services in the following areas of disability: social/emotional disorders, behavior disorders, learning disabilities, autism, and other health impairments. Britten School’s accreditation is approved by AdvancED.