Attendance Guidelines


Consistent attendance is the key to school success.  Students are expected to attend each school day.  Excessive absences result in lowered school grades and diminished progress towards established IEP goals.  Family vacations during scheduled school days are strongly discouraged.  Parents/Guardians must notify the Principal directly in advance in order to approve and arrange for a vacation contract with the student, outlining expectations for work assignments and completion timelines.

The parent/guardian is required to report any absence to the school office by 9:00 A.M. on each day of the absence.  Voice mail message service is available for those parents/guardians who leave call-in messages during non-school hours.  A doctor’s note on a prescription pad or letterhead is required for any illness-related absence of three or more days.  Students who are not present in school and whose parent/guardian has not called will receive a call from the Dean of Students to determine the reason(s) for absence.

Extended absences of five days or more require Britten School to notify the home school district of the circumstances in writing.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call and work with the transportation company on any change of transportation due to an absence.


In an effort to control the spread of infectious diseases to both students and faculty, students should not be allowed to attend school if they are ill.  Should a student be identified with a fever, actively vomiting, or displaying symptoms of highly infectious diseases, the parent/guardian will be notified and, if possible, arrangements will be made for the student to go home.  Students will not be sent to homes where a parent/guardian is not present.  Should a student be identified with a fever parent(s)/guardian(s) will be immediately called.  A student needs to be fever-free for 24 hours without fever control medication before returning to school.

Doctor’s Note

On the following occasions, Britten School requires a doctor’s note that is written either on a prescription pad or letterhead:

  • Following an absence for illness of more than three days
  • Following an absence due to a contagious disease
  • Medical excuse from participating in Physical Education
  • Medical release to return to Physical Education
  • Medical excuse for non-participation in outdoor activities during an air pollution action day
  • Medical releases from the primary physician to participate in activities outside the building for those students who suffer from morbid obesity