Accident and Injury/Safety

The safety of our students and faculty is a priority at all times. Precautionary measures for safety include facility modification, safety checks, and education for faculty and students around safety issues.

A parent/guardian will be notified immediately should an accident or injury occur. The school faculty will assess the degree of severity and action will be taken. Should an injury be severe enough to require a 911 call and emergency room observation and/or treatment, a faculty member may accompany the student until a parent/guardian arrives. Britten School cannot assume financial liability for expenses incurred for transportation and an emergency room visit.

Britten School students and faculty practice fire drills a minimum of three times per year, monitored by the local fire department. Faculty is trained throughout the year in the procedures of fire safety, along with an annual inspection of fire safety equipment. In addition, the school is inspected and approved bi-annually by the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Students are instructed each year in safe procedures for severe weather. Tornado drills and preparation are done at least twice a year.

Within the Britten School building, a system of integrated pest management is utilized to keep the school free of insects and pests. The system uses non-toxic methods of eliminating pests and uses insecticides on an emergency basis only.

Britten School is located within the public school district Westchester 92.5 that adheres to State of Illinois and Federal regulations regarding the removal of asbestos containing materials. An asbestos plan is available at the school building for public inspection.